Unshakeable Truth of the Word Concerning Believers.

The 21st century appears to be more uncertain than all previous centuries in the History of our world. We are witnessing unprecedented situations in our lifetime. Government collapses, human philosophies fail, and life crashes down around us. In this uncertain world, hope is found only in the Lord.
Only through Christ can we overcome! We are not just Conquerors but more than Conquerors through Christ, and not just in some situations, but in all circumstances of life.
Every day these verses remind and give us comfort, direction, hope, confidence and freedom beyond and above the excess of measure to conquer and have victor through Christ in an uncertain and continuously changing world. If you know Christ today, you are more than a Conqueror in Him. If you trust Christ, you will experience His power and His might in your life. You won't be defeated, but you will stand firm even in the most mid of storms.
We are Conquerors in all things, in Trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, sword, death, life, angels, demons, present, future, powers, height, and depth. Despite the circumstances we may be going through, we are indeed victors through CHRIST.
Fight, therefore, with an Attitude of Faith because you are more than Conquerors through Christ. Romans 8:37.